Why Your Cat Crosses Their Front Paws

Your furry friend is an interesting critter. Each cat has their own unique quirks and tendencies that you won’t find on other cats. This not only makes owning a cat exciting but fascinating, too.

But not all oddities are cute and cuddly. Is this true for when a cat crosses their front paws? What is the real meaning behind it?

Almost always, a cat that crosses their front paws is doing it to find comfort. It’s also a signal that they’re letting their guard down and trust those around them. However, a cat that is asleep with its front paws crossed is not signaling an invitation to pet their belly as a dog would.

If you have noticed that your cat is a paw-crossing cutie, you might wonder why she’s doing that. Don’t worry – you’re not alone on the never-ending hunt for figuring out what’s going on in the mind of a cat.

Our own cats love to cross their paws when sitting around the house.

This article will share some interesting information about paw-crossing that you’re going to want to know.

Why Does My Cat Cross Her Front Paws?

You might notice your cat crossing his or her front paws regularly.

Is this another fascinating thing cats do with incredible reasoning behind it? Well, hate to burst your bubble, but no. In fact, the reason why a cat crosses her front paws is that ‘it’s the cat’s meow.’


No, really. The main reason why a cat crosses her front paws is that she is looking for a comfortable position to sit back and relax.

When her paws are crossed below her chin, she has a nice, cuddly, and inviting place to hang her head. She’s also giving her arms and paws a well-deserved rest from playing and cleaning herself all day.

Crossing her front paws is solely based on her comfort needs. However, one somewhat interesting fact is that she will likely stretch out and fall asleep with her hands free rather than crossed.

Letting Her Guard Down

If you see your kitty with her paws crossed in front of her while she’s around you, you should feel like a very lucky owner.

Not only is your furry friend feeling comfortable and casual, but she is also relaxed enough to let her guard down around you.

Why is this great news for the fluffy owners? Well, some owners say that they have a difficult time understanding how a cat shows love.

They’re nothing like their tail-wagging counterparts. If you see your cat with her front paws crossed, it’s a sign they love you, care about you, and accept you enough into their lives to be relaxed.

Don’t be surprised if your kitty doesn’t cross her paws when she is sitting on your lap, though. Most cats won’t do this. Sometimes it’s out of comfort, and sometimes it’s because they aren’t 100% comfortable letting their guard down in this position.

Why Does My Cat Cross Her Paws When She Is Sleeping?

At this point, the message is clear that cats cross their front paws when they’re getting comfortable and letting their guard down.

Most of the time, sleeping with paws crossed is a no-no in the kitty community. So what if you see your cat with her paws crossed during slumber?

Unlike a dog, a cat isn’t sleeping with her paws crossed to show that she’s not a threat. While a dog will be expecting cuddles and belly rubs, your cat is not.

Sometimes your cat might cross her paws while sleeping just because. There is no rhyme or reason for it. Instead of, I woke up like this, your cat is singing to the tune of I fell asleep like this.

Your cat is likely comfortable in this sleeping position but is not signalling anything. Do not think it is okay to go up and disturb your snoozing kitty. She is likely to get upset, and if you have a scratch-happy cat, this could be bad news for you.

Why Do Cats Curl Their Paws?

Another phenomenon your cat might do with her paws is curl them inward.

This can be done while she has her front paws crossed or not. Is there a reasoning behind it?

Yes, in fact, there are two main reasons.

  • Tucking their paws underneath them adds to their overall comfort.
  • They are preparing to attack.

Now, those are two incredibly different reactions. How can you know if your cat is tucking her paws out of comfort or anger? Well, there are a few other signs to look out for.

Signs Of Comfort And Happiness In Your Cat

Things like a playful and hungry kitty are obvious signs of a happy-go-lucky cat.

But what are some of the less noticeable symptoms that might align with the paws being curled underneath? Well, a happy and comfortable cat will also:

  • She may ‘shrink up’ to appear smaller, and thus, less threatening
  • Her cat will stand straight up with the tip slightly crooked to show she is content and around people she considered friends
  • Her eyes may appear more dilated than usual, meaning she’s extremely happy
  • Her ears may face forward with a subtle tilt on top
  • Lastly, she will let out high-pitched purs

Signs Of Aggression In Your Cat

It may be even more important to understand when paws curled underneath a cat means a sign of aggression.

That said, here are some other symptoms a cat is feeling aggressive rather than calm:

  • Stiff and straight-legged
  • Rear end raised high with a sloped back
  • Tail is lowered or facing straight down
  • Staring
  • Upright ears
  • Low purr
  • Crouching
  • Head tucked in
  • Whiskers retracted
  • Hissing
  • Spitting
  • Quick strikes

Why Do Cats Knead With Front And Back Paws?

You might also see your cat’s paws cross in front of each other when they are kneading. But what is the purpose behind kneading? Kneading refers to the movement cats make against something soft.

It appears as though they are kneading bread, which is where the name came from.

Kneading occurs during the first few months of life. The kitten will knead the mother to release milk. However, while some cats cease kneading after they are done nursing, some continue well into adulthood. But why?

When a cat kneads on something, it is a signal that they are very happy.

This is especially true if they are found kneading on their owner. Again, this is just another clue that your cat really loves you – even though it might not always seem like it.

So, if your cat is kneading on you or something else soft, you can rest assured they are doing it from a place of happiness and comfort.

Final Thoughts

A cat crosses her front paws for the simple fact that she is trying to get comfortable.

She is also trusting and happy with those around her. She does not feel fearful, so she has no problem placing her paws in a position where it would be difficult to strike back.

However, if your cat is asleep with her paws crossed, it is not a signal of anything other than a comfortable position. Do not treat your cat like a dog in this same position.

Also, tune in to how they are behaving when their paws are tucked underneath them. Sometimes it is a sign of love; other times, it is a sign of aggression.